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標題: 很寫實的MV及歌詞 [列印本頁]

作者: 山林悟語     時間: 2010-7-22 09:25 AM    標題: 很寫實的MV及歌詞

作者: 山林悟語     時間: 2010-7-22 09:27 AM
In this farewell, 在離別的時刻

There is no blood,沒有血腥

There is no alibi,沒有藉口

Cause I've drawn regret,因為我已將感傷

From the truth of thousands lies,從千萬謊言中的真相抽離

So let mercy come and wash away…所以就讓憐憫來洗滌吧

What I've Done,我做了什麼

I'll face myself, 我面對了自我

To cross out what I've become,我的過去

Erase myself,我的曾經

And let go of what I've done…抹除它們讓我的過去消逝吧

Put to rest,靜一靜

What you thought of me你們是怎麼想我

While I clean this slate with the hands,當我用我的雙手洗刷我的過去

Of uncertainuty因為迷惘

So let mercy come and wash away…所以就讓憐憫來洗滌吧

What I've Done,我做了什麼

I'll face myself,我面對了自我

To cross out what I've become,我的過去

Erase myself, 我的曾經

And let go of what I've done…抹除它們讓我的過去消逝吧

For what I've done,忘記我做了什麼

I start again,我重新開始

And whatever pain may come,不管會不會遭遇到痛苦

Today this ends,在今天 這結束點

I'm forgiving what I've done…我原諒了我自己做過的事

I'll face myself, 我面對了自我

To cross out what I've become,
Erase myself,
我的過去 我的曾經

And let go of what I've done…抹除它們讓我的過去消逝吧

What I've done,
What I've done,
Forgetting what I've done…

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