黑熊論壇  Enduro LIFE! 2005-2023.
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標題: 音響搞好一點!音量開大一點就對了!!! 上一主題 | 下一主題
kubela2002 MY日記本

積分 8610
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註冊 2008-12-3
狀態 已離線
#1  音響搞好一點!音量開大一點就對了!!!

演唱 Barry Manilow
歌名 Can't Smile Without You
專輯 Even Now (1978) ,
       Hellboy II: The Golden Army Soundtrack (2008)

2009-11-2 12:37 AM
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kubela2002 MY日記本

積分 8610
發表 4810
現金 4242
存款 500000
註冊 2008-12-3
狀態 已離線
#2  歌詞

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you

You came along just like a song
And brightened my day
Who'da believed that you were part of a dream?
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see, I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well I'm finding it hard leavin' your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you...

2009-11-2 12:40 AM
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